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Invest Plus Software Desktop Overview
07/11/2009If your broker not list in broker bill Import Features, then you can ask to your broker for a broker bill file and send on our support mail Id.
Generally new broker bill will format take 24hr to 48 hr to integrate in Invest Plus depending on Bill format and complexity,
Invest Plus Support four type of file format for broker bill to import
for more information you can mail on our support mail addres or create support ticket at http://support.investplus.in
Generally new broker bill will format take 24hr to 48 hr to integrate in Invest Plus depending on Bill format and complexity,
Invest Plus Support four type of file format for broker bill to import
- Txt format (file can view in Notepad)
- Excel or .xls format (Ms Excel format)
- CSV (A Comma separated values file)
- HTML (file can view in any Internet Browser)
for more information you can mail on our support mail addres or create support ticket at http://support.investplus.in